Raymonde de Laroche famous quotes


  • There is no conclusive proof of Unidentified Flying Objects flying over India-China border.

  • Test pilots have a litmus test for evaluating problems. When something goes wrong, they ask, "Is this thing still flying?" If the answer is yes, then there's no immediate danger, no need to overreact.

  • What we want is clothing we think we can fly in. That's why I opened the show with flying dresses.

  • There is a thrill of vulnerability at all airshows. There is no way of making everything completely safe. When the machines are being thrashed to capacity and the pilots are flying at their limits to dazzle, things are bound to go wrong sometimes. There have been some historic disasters, but the danger is a part of the attraction.

  • I have had the feeling that a properly constructed flying-machine should be capable of being flown as a kite; and conversely, that a properly constructed kite should be capable of use as a flying-machine when driven by its own propellers.

  • The English have an extraordinary ability for flying into a great calm.

  • A home cook who relies too much on a recipe is sort of like a pilot who reads the plane's instruction manual while flying.

  • the stars seemed near enough to touch and never before have i seen so many. i always believed the lure of flying is the lure of beauty, but i was sure of it that night.

  • Flying might not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.

  • I intend to leave this life so shattered there's gonna have to be a thousand separate heavens for all of my flying parts