Paul Fix famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • They're funny things, Accidents. You never have them till you're having them.

  • Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.

  • The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.

  • Books are totally useless unless you take their advice. If you just keep reading them, thinking "that's so insightful! that changes everything," but never actually doing anything different, then pretty quickly the feeling will wear off and you'll start searching for another book to fill the void.

  • If you're a guy, you have absolutely no idea what's going on at any time in the relationship, ever. Here's what you know: you know when you're getting laid, and you know when it's all over. Those are the only two things you're aware of.

  • One day in the shower, you figure it out. It's a special day in a man's life. I was like, 'Oh, I found me a hobby.'

  • The question of boundaries is a major question of the Jewish people because the Jews are the great experts of crossing boundaries. They have a sense of identity inside themselves that doesn't permit them to cross boundaries with other people.

  • Major sports are major parts of society. It's not anomalous to have people who love sports come from other parts of that society.

  • Our object must be to bring our territory into harmony with the numbers of our population.

  • Push me past my limit all you want. It's territory I know well.