Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont famous quotes


  • Television in the 1960s & 70s had just as much dross and the programmes were a lot more tediously patronising than they are now. Memory truncates occasional gems into a glittering skein of brilliance. More television, more channels means more good television and, of course, more bad. The same equation applies to publishing, film and, I expect, sumo wrestling.

  • I am grateful for - though I can't keep up with - the flood of articles, theses, and textbooks that mean to share insight concerning the nature of poetry.

  • No great thought, no great object, satisfies the mind at first view, nor at the last.

  • You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry

  • There is greatness in the fear of God, contentment in faith of God, and honour in humility.

  • It goes without saying that only inner greatness possess a true value ("une valeur véritable,", Fr.) . Any attempt to rise up (or at rising up, - "s'élever", Fr.) outwardly above others, or to want (or wish) to impose one's superiority, denote a lack of moral greatness, since we do not try to replace ("suppléer", Fr.) in that way (.... in French "par là", Fr.) to what, if we did really possess it, would have no need whatsoever to flaunt itself.

  • You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.

  • Resisting conformity and developing some small eccentricities are among the steps to independence and self-confidence.

  • We are Scotland's independence generation. And our time is now

  • The attributes of sovereignty are now enjoyed by every state in the Union.