Michelle McCool famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Before you begin, sit for a moment and take a couple of deep breaths. You want to be calm and prepared to maintain mental focus

  • What happens to the Microsofts, Oracles and IBMs of the world is that when they get big enough, they don't think they need to bring that same level of focus and energy to the end-user experience.

  • I will do anything. Anything, Blaire, just to be near you. I can’t think about anything else. I can’t focus on anything. So never think you’re inconveniencing me. You need me, I’m there.

  • Film is a time capsule. If I have a lack of dedication or focus, it's permanently there as a negative reminder.

  • Really, most of us just focus on what's in front of us. We're too busy putting out the fires of everyday life.

  • A laser is a weak source of energy. A laser takes [only] a few watts of energy and focuses them in a coherent stream of light. But with a laser, you can drill a hole in a diamond or wipe out cancer.

  • God help us if we ever take the theater out of the auction business or anything else. It would be an awfully boring world.

  • Keeping up appearances is the most expensive thing in the world.

  • Tut, Tut, looks like rain

  • I don't look at myself as suffering.

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