Carl Correns famous quotes


  • You cannot have a good character today and at the same time have a small mind and a little heart. You cannot have a good character today and be merely a petty reformer.

  • A good character today is shaped by greatness, greatness in vision, greatness in courage, greatness in insight, greatness in purpose and devotion.

  • I'm involved in some action scenes, so they'll train me for that. I'll be working with my acting coach to prepare for my character.

  • I have done scenes as Harvey Two-Face. It's interesting. I won't tell you exactly what we're going for, but I think that I can say that it will use all of today's technology to create this character. He's going to be interesting, and I think that's what makes this character important in the movie-you get to see him as he was before, as in the comic books. Harvey is a very good guy in the comic books. He's judicious. He cares. He's passionate about what he loves and then he turns into this character. So you will see that in this film.

  • What is the subject matter of this apparently very personal world? It has been suggested that these shapes and images are underworld characters, the inhabitants of the vast common realm of memories that have gone down below the level of conscious control. It may be they are. The degree of emotional involvement and the amount of free association with the material being photographed would point in that direction.

  • The universe and the observer exist as a pair. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the universe that ignores consciousness.

  • I have to wear six pairs of speedos when I run.

  • Mainstream medias representation, or its guerrilla decontextualization, of black mens lives in particular can set the stage for erroneous assumptions capable of damaging an individual or a nation.

  • Possessions of this world have not been for the exclusive use by such or such category of individuals.

  • Nothing satisfies an individual incapable of enjoyment.