Eric Allman famous quotes


  • I'm still agnostic. But in the words of Elton Richards, I'm now a reverant agnostic. Which isn't an oxymoron, I swear. I now believe that whether or not there's a God, there is such a thing as sacredness. Life is sacred. The Sabbath can be a sacred day. Prayer can be a sacred ritual. There is something transcendent, beyond the everyday. It's possible that humans created this sacredness ourselves, but that doesn't take away from its power or importance.

  • I believe the collapse of the House of Windsor is tied in with the collapse of the Church of England.

  • Joy and growth come from following our deepest impulses, however foolish they may seem to some, or dangerous, and even though the apparent outcome may be defeat.

  • Joys, which we do not know, we do not wish.

  • Deceit is the false road to happiness; and all the joys we travel through to vice, like fairy banquets, vanish when we touch them.

  • Well why not a technology of joy, of happiness?

  • If Joy Behar or Sherri Shepherd was a dude, they'd be off TV. They're not funny enough for dudes. What if Roseanne Barr was a dude? Think we'd know who she was?

  • Joy seems to me a step beyond happiness- happiness is a sort of atmosphere you can live in sometimes when you're lucky. Joy is a light that fills you with hope and faith and love.

  • I don't really write plots. I use history as the engine that drives everything.

  • The winner must promote social jusitce, remove corruption and discrmination, and stand against political, cultural and economic plots.