Bengt I. Samuelsson famous quotes
The basis of the discovery is imagination, careful reasoning and experimentation where the use of knowledge created by those who came before is an important component.
-- Bengt I. Samuelsson -
Every time a significant discovery is being made one sets in motion a tremendous activity in laboratories and industrial enterprises throughout the world. It is like the ant who suddenly finds food and walks back to the anthill while sending out material called food attracting substance. The other ants follow the path immediately in order to benefit from the finding and continue to do so as long as the supply is rich.
-- Bengt I. Samuelsson -
There are almost unlimited possibilities for making discoveries and to uncover the unknown. It is in the nature of the discovery that it can not be planned or programmed. On the contrary it consists of surprises and appears many times in the most unexpected places.
-- Bengt I. Samuelsson
An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.
We know nothing at all. All our knowledge is but the knowledge of schoolchildren. The real nature of things we shall never know.
The mind can proceed only so far upon what it knows and can prove. There comes a point where the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge, but can never prove how it got there. All great discoveries have involved such a leap
If a poem is each time new, then it is necessarily an act of discovery, a chance taken, a chance that may lead to fulfillment or disaster
The loss of illusions and the discovery of identity, though painful at first, can be ultimately exhilarating and strengthening.
The 'Mythbusters' crew, we monitor the Discovery boards, we look for the new ideas that are being forwarded on those boards, and we keep track of what's going on, we keep updated.
What matters are not the truths other people tell us or the practices that we are able to mimic, but the spiritual discoveries we make through personal investigation.
I was a wild, mischievous kid, and I had tremendous imagination. Any experience I had, I'd try to reenact it.
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