Gloria Jones famous quotes


  • It Is Very Easy To Defeat Someone, But It Is Very Hard To Win Someone

  • The words ‘I Love You’ kill, and resurrect millions, in less than a second.

  • If I say your voice is an amber waterfall in which I yearn to burn each day, if you eat my mouth like a mystical rose with powers of healing and damnation, If I confess that your body is the only civilization I long to experience… would it mean that we are close to knowing something about love?

  • People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves.

  • The rain is plentious but, by God's decree, Only a third is meant for you and me; Two-thirds are taken by the growing things Or vanish Heavenward on vapour's wings: Nor does it mathematically fall With social equity on one and all. The population's habit is to grow In every region where the water's low: Nature is blamed for failings that are Man's, And well-run rivers have to change their plans.

  • If you're in your early 20s and you're hanging out with a bunch of other people in their early 20s, nobody has a sense of the kinds of problems that real 'workers' run into every day. They're running into a completely different set of problems like 'What's the party going on right now that I should be going to?

  • You can't test courage cautiously, so I ran hard and waved my arms hard, happy.

  • I always felt free when I ran. I suppose that's what was good about it.

  • And without fear the lawless roads Ran wrong through all the land.

  • Once I ran to you, now I run from you.

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