Brand Blanshard famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • A majority of women seem to consider themselves sent into the world for the sole purpose of displaying dry goods, and it is only when acting the part of an animated milliner's block that they feel they are performing their appropriate mission.

  • I like that Pilates compromises the mind and body. It's not just about being able to run around the block a few times. It's about alleviating stress and controlling breathing. It's about being balanced.

  • When the church is in mission, it is the true church. The church itself is not only a product of that mission but is obligated and destined to extend it by whatever means possible. The mission of God flows directly through every believer and every community of faith that adheres to Jesus. To obstruct this is to block God's purposes in and through his people.

  • It's easy to be lazy when there's food lying around backstage or there's a fast-food joint a couple blocks away. But if you walk a little further, ask around a bit, of course there are exciting things to discover.

  • In almost all city governments in America, the small group of people who don't want change are able to block change.

  • Be Consciousness (Itself)- Contemplate Consciousness (Itself)- Transcend Everything in Consciousness (Itself).

  • Thus one should know oneself to be of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss[Sat-Chit-Ananda].

  • You get to be wiser by storying the world and seeing it through other forms of consciousness than your own.

  • Yoga is when you feel pure consciousness and spirit.

  • Thinking is learning all over again how to see, directing one's consciousness, making of every image a privileged place.