Douglas Smith famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I never know what to tell young people when they come here. It could never happen for anyone they way it happened for me. It was all an accident.

  • one must verge on the unknown, write toward the truth hitherto unrecognizable of one’s own sincerity, including the avoidable beauty of doom, shame, and embarrassment, that very area of personal self-recognition,(detailed individual is universal remember) which formal conventions, internalized, keep us from discovering in ourselves and others

  • What I'm trying to do is create moments of recognition...

  • I was really beating myself up about performances and how I looked and this and that.

  • Dave Herman as Michael Bolton is one of my favorite performances ever.

  • Dance is like wine; it matures with every performance.

  • It's not what you see on-screen that makes a performance. It's the things you should never know about - it's the secrets.

  • A multithreaded file system is only a performance hack.

  • I'd rather do my own performance than copy someone else's.

  • You lose with potential.  You win with performance.