Marabel Morgan famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Once a leader delegates, he should show utmost confidence in the people he has entrusted.

  • Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

  • What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.

  • I believe in a business boarding up early. If you make a mistake, you put the boards in the window of the store and say, "Hey, I made a mistake." Let me take two shots in the arm and a punch on the nose and let me get on to the next thing. I don't believe in worrying over failures. I worry about successes. This is opposite from most people. Most people zero in on their failures. I try to keep all my attention on a pyramid type philosophy rather than the averaging-down philosophy.

  • Only the [Catholic] Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the Church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly.

  • Little strokes fell great oaks.

  • The pursuit of perfection is frustrating and a waste of time, because nothing is ever perfect. The pursuit of excellence is commendable and worthwhile. Therefore strive for excellence not perfection.

  • If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence.

  • Happiness is the utilization of one's talents along lines of excellence.

  • The virtues [moral excellence] therefore are engendered in us neither by nature nor yet in violation of nature; nature gives us the capacity to receive them, and this capacity is brought to maturity by habit.

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