Asa Mahan famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • A lobster bisque ought to be the crowning glory of the potager. And this one was excellent. Silky as a gigolo's compliment and fishy as a chancellor's promise.

  • I don't want to beg or promise you things I can't give you. There isn't much of me to give, but what I have is yours. This is all up to you, Sadie. If you want me, I'm yours. If you can't do this, then I'll walk away and leave you alone. I swear.

  • There is no promise God cannot keep, no prayer God will not answer, and no problem too hard for Him to solve.

  • It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath.

  • ...Promises are more dangerous then secrets.

  • One of the first signs of a Spirit-filled life is enthusiasm!

  • Nature has created us with the capacity to know God, to experience God.

  • Next to faith in God, is faith in labor.

  • Flatter not thyself in thy faith in God if thou hast not charity for thy neighbor.

  • Faith in yourself and faith in God are the key to mastery of fear.