Brian McFadden famous quotes


  • Some say it is best not to go near the center of time. Life is a vessel of sadness, but is noble to live life and without time there is no life. Others disagree. They would rather have an eternity of contentment, even if that eternity were fixed and frozen, like a butterfly mounted in a case.

  • It's better to have tried and failed than to live life wondering what would've happened if I had tried

  • The hardest part of living is loving 'Cause loving turns to leaving every time And the hardest part of leaving is living Life is hard when love is so unkind

  • Reading fiction not only develops our imagination and creativity, it gives us the skills to be alone. It gives us the ability to feel empathy for people we've never met, living lives we couldn't possibly experience for ourselves, because the book puts us inside the character's skin.

  • We imagine that we want to escape our selfish and commonplace existence, but we cling desperately to our chains.

  • Some movies I see today have the most dramatic plot points but the actors are not playing them dramatically.

  • Tomorrow, more's the pity, Away we both must hie, To air the ditty and to earth I.

  • If you had told me I'd be making 62 tomorrow, I'd say you were lying.

  • Today we're dumping 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the environment, and tomorrow we will dump more, and there is no effective worldwide response. Until we start sharply reducing global-warming pollution, I will feel that I have failed.

  • Today will die tomorrow.

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