Lester Maddox famous quotes


  • Time is swift, it races by; Opportunities are born and die... Still you wait and will not try - A bird with wings who dares not rise and fly.

  • On matters of race, on matters of decency, baseball should lead the way.

  • Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within. Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted.

  • Usually when you ask somebody in college why they are there, they'll tell you it's to get an education. The truth of it is, they are there to get the degree so that they can get ahead in the rat race. Too many college radicals are two-timing punks. The only reason you should be in college is to destroy it.

  • We feel strongly that the spirit characteristic of America at its noblest, above all the pursuit of higher learning, cannot admit of any conditions as to personnel other than those designed to promote the objects for which this institution is established, and particularly with no regard whatever to accidents of race, creed, or sex.

  • The mighty edifice of Government science dominated the scene in the middle of the 20th century as a Gothic cathedral dominated a 13th century landscape. The work of many hands over many years, it universally inspired admiration, wonder and fear.

  • Well, fancy giving money to the Government! Might as well have put it down the drain.

  • The whole history of Israel, its ritual and its government, is explicable only as it is typical of the spiritual Israel, of the sacrifice on Calvary, of the precious blood which alone can wash away sin.

  • Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.

  • In film, you are a totally different person than in the video.

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