Mia Sara famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I don't know how long a child will remain utterly static in front of the television, but my guess is that it could be well into their thirties.

  • There is no wonder more supernatural and divine in the life of a believer than the mystery and ministry of prayer...the hand of the child touching the arm of the Father and moving the wheel of the universe.

  • Before one can walk as Christ walked, and talk as He talked, he must first begin to think as Christ thought.

  • A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself, always a laborious business.

  • Our God has boundless resources. The only limit is in us. Our asking, our thinking, our praying are too small. Our expectations are too limited.

  • I don't think that when Zionism began there was a claim that we were losing - even in part - our capacity to contribute to other peoples.

  • Sometimes I sing along in the car, if something good is playing like Marvin Gaye.

  • My first car was a motorcycle.

  • The shuttle is the worst $20 you'll ever save. It adds 90 minutes to whatever a Town Car or cab would have been. You have the unenviable choice between being dropped off last or being dropped off first and having a bunch of losers who can't afford cab fare and have no friends or loved ones with cars knowing exactly where you live.

  • In theory, cars are fairly simple. If they don't start, it's either the fuel system or the electrical system. Teach yourself about the path of each in your engine and tracing it is fairly straightforward. But at the beginning, mastering each new system seems like an unreachable shore. The car is effectively a black box.