Keak da Sneak famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I’ve been the same guy since day one. No matter how successful I am in life, I’m going to stay true to myself and stay humble and grounded. I feel like that’s where your success comes from. Once you get that big head, it’s over. You feel like you can’t be stopped. Staying humble is the only way you can be great.

  • You have no control over what the other guy does. You only have control over what you do.

  • I've always been supremely confident in my abilities. But the biggest confidence boost is when the guys around you, you feel like they have confidence in you.

  • Whenever I do a comedy show I still just read poems, some of which are intentionally funny and some of which are just bizarre. The mix seems to work well.

  • I'd like to do a romantic comedy.

  • There's a common misconception with sketch comedy that you just go up there and wing it, but it's written, and there really is order.

  • I grew up in a house that liked to be funny. Everybody liked to be funny. My family's been...we've been enjoying each other's comedy for years.

  • Most modern comedy is crap.

  • I like the tragedies way more than the comedies because they're so universal.

  • I don't like this young crudeness now which is supposed to be comedy on Friday nights.

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