Yukmouth famous quotes


  • There'll be a special place in hell for the tape back-up people.

  • They should invent some way to tape-record your dreams. I've written songs in my dreams that were Beatles songs. Then I'd wake up and they'd be gone.

  • My agent told me they were casting for the voice of Gollum. I hadnt read The Lord of the Rings, but I read the script and realized what an amazing role it was. I developed a voice for the audition tape, then met Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh at the auditions and fell in love with them both.

  • I'm endlessly putting myself on tapes for things over in America! I'm always sitting at home, learning lines, sending stuff to America.

  • I am the biggest face of boxing right now. That's how I feel. I am the greatest of this era.

  • Youth is not the era of wisdom; let us therefore have due consideration.

  • [P]rogress, however, has not sufficiently infiltrated the Interior Ministry, affording protection to those who participated in the Bytyqi murders and other egregious Milosevic-era crimes.

  • Every period ruled by mystics was an era of stagnation and want, when most men were on strike against existence,

  • The digital world creates situation where there are no secrets anymore.

  • Digital Darinism is already changing the landscape of business.

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