Richard von Krafft-Ebing famous quotes


  • I can't write another breakup record. That would be a real cliche.

  • [Marla, Shar and I] all have had very public breakups, so I think people know they can relate with us in one way or another. And this is one of the few reality shows where they didn't have the cameras right in people's faces. Like when we were sitting around the table talking with the divorced people, the cameras were way back. And we just listened. Sometimes people just need an ear.

  • A loud noise will get your fight-or-flight response going. This, over the years, can cause real cardiovascular damage.

  • Those who can bring themselves to renounce wealth, position and power accruing from a social system based on violence and putting a premium on acquisitiveness, and to identify themselves in some real fashion with the struggle of the masses toward the light, may help in a measure - more, doubtless, by life than by words - to devise a more excellent way, a technique of social progress less crude, brutal, costly and slow than mankind has yet evolved.

  • Winning has a joy and discrete purity to it that cannot be replaced by anything else.

  • My friends and I were wild and we liked to joy-ride.

  • When I saw the plane, I was absolutely astonished! Two emotions crashed over me: surging joy and crazy fear.

  • Well why not a technology of joy, of happiness?

  • If Joy Behar or Sherri Shepherd was a dude, they'd be off TV. They're not funny enough for dudes. What if Roseanne Barr was a dude? Think we'd know who she was?

  • Joy is a light that fills you with hope and faith and love.