Elizabeth Enright famous quotes


  • Let opening roses knotted oaks adorn, And liquid amber drop from every thorn.

  • With liquid zeolite, we have returned to the basic healing approach for all chronic diseases, which is to free up and activate the vital life force. Liquid zeolite is truly an alchemical gift from the Divine

  • L'alcool est le monarque des liquides, et porte au dernier degre   l'exaltation palatale. Alcohol is the prince of liquids, and carries the palate to its highest pitch of exaltation.

  • Got no place to go, but there's a girl waitin' for me down in Mexico. She got a bottle of tequila, a bottle of gin, and if I bring a little music, I could fit right in...

  • Left all my Beatle records out in the sun, got a coke bottle stuck on the end of my tongue.

  • American love — like coke in green glass bottles...they don't make it anymore.

  • Empty wine bottles have a bad opinion of women.

  • Seduction is often difficult to distinguish from rape. In seduction, the rapist often bothers to buy a bottle of wine.

  • When I feel like I'm not doing what I am supposed to as a mother, I will torture myself. I don't know how to deal with it. I find some consolation in the fact that all mommies feel it. If there was a way to cure mommy guilt, I would bottle it and be a bazillionaire.

  • My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic?