Dirty Words famous quotes


  • I was a Ukrainian folk dancer in my teens, and I toured the country in 1991, shortly before the break-up of the Soviet Union.

  • The shape that poems make in the mind is an echo of something powerful in the cosmos. I do believe that, and that is certainly irrational, so perhaps I am no wiser than Elizabeth Perkins as to the nature of poetry.

  • Keep a record of every picture you paint, have them photographed and write down where they went. Some day, when one reaches a great age, there will be calls for a Retrospective Exhibition of a life's work.

  • To be human is to be aware of the passage of time; no concept lies closer to the core of our consciousness.

  • From that moment our love became sad, and sadness is a disease which gives the death-blow to affection.

  • There's nothing that can prepare you for fame and for the music business at any point in history.

  • I am very conscious of who I am as an artist and as an inspirational person.

  • We need to consider nominations as thoroughly and carefully as the American people deserve. No one is entitled to a free pass to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

  • Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women.

  • I invented the internet