Kicking Back famous quotes


  • If you're going to go through hell... I suggest you come back learning something.

  • Music, I think, is best when it honestly explores personal demons, and it stirs around in the silt of the psyche to find out what's really there.

  • You walk off the plane in Rio, and your blood temperature goes up. The feel of the wind on your face, the water on your skin, the taste of the food, the music, the sexuality; Brazilians are very comfortable in their sexuality.

  • I'm not sure I knew what an entrepreneur was when I was ten, but I knew that starting little businesses and trying to sell greeting cards or newspapers door-to-door or just vending machine kind of thing is.. there's just something very intriguing to me about that.

  • Ah, Morganville. Where dressing to hide bloodstains was just good daily planning.

  • You can't have style if you don't have substance.

  • Some are like the Moon, good looking, but only when they're away from you.

  • I would be the last to deny that the greatest scientific pioneers belonged to an aristocracy of the spirit and were exceptionally intelligent, something that we as modest investigators will never attain, no matter how much we exert ourselves. Nevertheless … I continue to believe that there is always room for anyone with average intelligence … to utilize his energy and … any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain, and that even the least gifted may, like the poorest land that has been well-cultivated and fertilized, produce an abundant harvest..

  • Most things are difficult at the beginning and they become fun, something you love, only after you've worked at them.

  • The cry of the Have-Nots has never been "give us our hearts," but always "get off our backs"; they ask not for love but for breathing space.