Every real story is a never ending story.
Jonathan Edwards developed a Calvinistic strand of the doctrine.
Under communism, prices were not allowed to reflect economic reality. Under capitalism, prices don't reflect ecological reality. In the long run, the capitalist flaw -- if uncorrected -- may prove to be the more catastrophic.
We need two homes, a green one and a brown one, a grown one and a built one, two worlds in tension.
Economics is a form of brain damage,
I train harder than anyone else in the world. Last year I was supposed to take a month off and I took three days off because I was afraid somebody out there was training harder. That's the feeling I go through every day - Am I not doing what somebody else is doing? Is someone out there training harder than I am? I can't live with myself if someone is.
Hopefully kids will look at me and see that your dreams can come true.
Unconscious Polities emerge independent of conscious purpose.
Son, looks to me like you're spending too much time on one subject.
Wouldn't it be dreadful to live in a country where they didn't have tea?