Opinion Leaders famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • There are so many things in human living that we should regard not as traumatic learning but as incomplete learning, unfinished learning.

  • To all of you, I repeat: Do not let yourselves be robbed of hope! Do not let yourselves be robbed of hope! And not only that, but I say to us all: let us not rob others of hope, let us become bearers of hope!

  • There is nothing truly beautiful but that which can never be of any use whatsoever; everything useful is ugly, for it is the expression of some need, and man's needs are ignoble and disgusting like his own poor and infirm nature. The most useful place in a house is the water-closet.

  • I was never afraid of getting old. I remember being young and thinking, Wow, I can't wait until I'm older because I feel like everything is going to happen then. I don't want to sound pretentious or anything, but I'm always one of the first ones to say, "Let's try that."

  • The end always passes judgement on what has gone before.

  • What evil is there in seeing a man possess a woman? Why, the beasts would be more free than we! It seems to me that that which is given us by nature for our own preservation ought to be worn round the neck as a pendant and in the hat for a medal.

  • Feasts must be solemn and rare, or else they cease to be feasts.

  • I believe that when death closes our eyes we shall awaken to a light, of which our sunlight is but the shadow.

  • When lost, I look for gas stations for counsel.

  • After debauches and orgies there always follows the moral hangover.