Leeds famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • I never quit. I never quit.

  • Gov. Romney says he's against same-sex marriage because every child deserves a mother and a father. I think every child deserves a family as loving and committed as mine. Mr. Romney my family is just as real as yours.

  • Trying to apply formal methods to all software projects is just as bad as trying to apply code-and-fix development to all projects.

  • I have no hoarding tendencies whatsoever. I'm a purger. I am constantly throwing things out. Like everyone, I have a scary junk drawer or corner of the closet. And those little dark corners weigh on me enough to know how hard it must be to be a hoarder. And I also think that's why these hoarding shows are so popular, because it taps into something we all feel in ourselves. We hold onto things we don't need.

  • Quia amasti me, fecisti me amabilem. (In loving me, you made me lovable.)

  • In the '70s and '80s there was an attempt in K-12 to teach science through art or art through science. The challenge today is how do you build the ethos of art and design into the academy of science.

  • If you love large, you've got to hurt large. If you've got a lot of light, you've probably got an equal amount of darkness.

  • Living standards in both the public and private sector have to be brought down. The private sector has to sell more abroad and consume less at home. The government sector has to get closer to just spending what it can collect in taxes.

  • Brands communicate in two directions: they help us tell other people something about ourselves, but they also help us form ideas about who we are.

  • Most people our age have the whole "dating game" [mentality] of trying to sell yourself or be strategic.