Good News famous quotes


  • In a world of constant change, God alone is the Rock upon which to build a life.

  • I'm very interested in the early American history, the time when the country came together.

  • I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.

  • It's taken me years to embrace the softer elements of who I am and let that shine some.

  • I'd confused need with love and love with sacrifice.

  • Every act of rebellion expresses a nostalgia for innocence and an appeal to the essence of being.

  • But at 42, 1 don't care what critics think.

  • I find divorces repulsive. I will never get divorced, never.

  • The conservative movement, to which I subscribe, has as one of its basic tenets the belief that government should stay out of people’s private lives. Government governs best when it governs least – and stays out of the impossible task of legislating morality. But legislating someone’s version of morality is exactly what we do by perpetuating discrimination against gays.

  • Laws of physics laws of love of time and space and the (in)between place (in)between you and me and where we are lost and looking looking and lost