Way In Life famous quotes


  • I'm the stuff men are made of!

  • My whole life has conspired to bring me to this place, and I can’t despise my whole life.

  • I don't believe there can be any bad taste in creating a scene, only badwriting in handling it.

  • Your own pain is involuntary; you feel overwhelmed and have no control. When feeling the pain of others, there is an element of discomfort, but there also is a level of stability because you are voluntarily accepting pain. It gives you a sense of confidence.

  • I have periods now, like normal girls; I too am among the knowing, I too can sit out volleyball games and go to the nurse's for aspirin and waddle along the halls with a pad like a flattened rabbit tail wadded between my legs, sopping with liver-colored blood.

  • We need a type of theatre which not only releases the feelings, insights and impulses possible within the particular historical field of human relations in which the action takes place, but employs and encourages those thoughts and feelings which help transform the field itself.

  • And the more you become aware of the unknown self - if you become aware of it - the more you realize that it is inseparably connected with everything else that is.

  • marriage is mostly puttin' up with things, I reckon, when it ain't makin' believe.

  • For me, a song doesn't really take flight until it has a lyric on it. ...Without a lyric that I'm happy with, it could be the greatest song ever melodically or arrangement-wise, but it doesn't have any resonance.

  • I just like music that I can relate to, something to listen to in my car.