Don't Trust famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself.

  • Love who you are, and you're good enough, and you don't need to feel like you need to apologize for who you are, and you don't need to feel like you need to try to be someone you're not.

  • I just hope to work with great people, and do things that are challenging for me and that I can be proud of and not have to hide my face about. Those are my guidelines.

  • Nothing is less efficient than perfectionism.

  • The bicycle riders drank much wine, and were burned and browned by the sun. They did not take the race seriously except among themselves.

  • For you all think God is one who rewards good and punishes evil, but I say to you that God is one who loves you and has compassion for everyone. You just have to pray to Him and believe in Him. He will always be your guiding light.

  • The side effect of expanding consciousness is that negativity starts to evaporate; it goes away like darkness when you turn on a light.

  • I have so much satisfaction in my life. I have a beautiful wife and the great stimulation of an interesting career. I'm the most happy fellow that I know.

  • One thing he discovered with a great deal of astonishment was that music held for him more then just pleasure. There was meat to it. The grouping of sounds, their forms in the air as they rang out and faded, said something comforting to him about the rule of Creation. What the music said was that there is a right way for things to be ordered so that life might not always be just tangle and drift, but have a shape, an aim. It was a powerful argument that life did not just happen.

  • We were placed on earth to fulfil a purpose, and that purpose is what gives meaning to our lives, you were sent to the world to make an impact and make a difference