Cool Down famous quotes


  • I'm going to live forever, or die trying !

  • Children and fools speak true.

  • We did what our people do all the time, we told ourselves something we did was right and we found a way to justify it, even though we knew it was wrong.

  • Whether the gentleman is capable or not, he is loved all the same; conversely the petty man is loathed all the same.

  • I was in the postseason twice and I'm thankful for that

  • God will not move unless I say it. Why? because He has made us coworkers with Him. He set things up that way.

  • I was getting money for showing one man killing another. Two lives were destroyed and I was getting paid for it. (On his 1968 photograph of the summary street corner execution of prisoner Nguyen Van Lem by South Vietnam's police chief, Lt. Col. Nguyen Ngoc Loan.)

  • Ed Balls is like a drunk trying to drink his way out of alcoholism.

  • If knowledge is my God, doubt would be my religion.

  • We are each other's reference point at our turning points.