Cool Places famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Each civilization may choose one of two roads to travel, that is, either fret itself to death, or pet itself to death. And in the course of doing one or the other, it eats its way into the Universe, turning cinders and flinders of stars into toilet seats, pegs, gears, cigarette holders and pillowcases, and it does this because, unable to fathom the Universe, it seeks to change that Fathomlessness into Something Fathomable.

  • How frail and ephemeral is the material substance of letters, which makes their very survival so hazardous. Print has a permanence of its own, though it may not be much worth preserving, but a letter! Conveyed by uncertain transportation, over which the sender has no control; committed to a single individual who may be careless or inappreciative; left to the mercy of future generations, of families maybe anxious to suppress the past, of the accidents of removals and house-cleanings, or of mere ignorance. How often it has been by the veriest chance that they have survived at all.

  • Christ didn't leave us a book of instructions; He left us a body, a family - a Church. If it were perfectly clear, there wouldn't be any freedom.

  • People do not like to have their favorite myths of idols challenged and as a rule I think that the public does not like bad news.

  • I didn't want to be like a punch-drunk fighter, going around and reliving the big moment...

  • I would never challenge any rapper to a rap-off. It's weird, I'm not that type of rapper.

  • You know how your charger for your phone? It's like if you had a charger for your whole body and mind

  • Well physically preparing for the role, definitely and then continuing to stay physically fit throughout filming, getting up, 4.00 4.30 in the morning.

  • If everything that you do is for the market, it won't work.

  • In that most burdensome moment of all human history, with blood appearing at every pore and an anguished cry upon His lips, Christ sought Him whom He had always sought—His Father. “Abba,” He cried, “Papa,” or from the lips of a younger child, “Daddy.” This is such a personal moment it almost seems a sacrilege to cite it. A Son in unrelieved pain, a Father His only true source of strength, both of them staying the course, making it through the night—together.