Don't Give Up famous quotes


  • What's a dancer's worst enemy? Sometimes it's age, but sometimes it's the dancer themselves.

  • I can put up a blog in 10 seconds.

  • I've been running my whole life. Running into bars, running around the world. But when you have a child, you can't run. That was a revelation.

  • Aviation - and space travel, in particular - have always been especially captivating.

  • We have to have a commonality and purpose. We have to understand that each of us is dependent on the success of the others in the organization to reach the goals we're trying to accomplish. It's never an easy thing.

  • Here in England, everyone's a pop star, innit, whereas in America they believe in the term artist.

  • The real 1960s began on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. It came to seem that Kennedy's murder opened some malign trap door in American culture, and the wild bats flapped out.

  • I don't like to be constrained to any one medium. I like to surprise and amuse - and indeed, torture - myself by weaving back and forth between images and words of all sorts, and trying to create work in the end that feels "of a piece." This is why I resist calling myself a "cartoonist." It doesn't seem to describe what I do.

  • I took a break from acting for four years to get a degree in mathematics at UCLA, and during that time I had the rare opportunity to actually do research as an undergraduate. And myself and two other people co-authored a new theorem: Percolation and Gibbs States Multiplicity for Ferromagnetic Ashkin-Teller Models on Two Dimensions, or Z2.

  • I came from a family where joining a union was the expected thing to do. I've always believed that the relationship between an employer and an individual worker is fundamentally unequal.