Awe And Wonder famous quotes


  • But if you go over the line, you don't want to get stuck in a Nevada State court room. Honestly, because Nevada has been doing a good job of putting California criminals in jail. I mean, we couldn't put OJ in jail, but they did. We couldn't put Paris Hilton in jail, but they did.

  • Always look beyond what you can see

  • I also wanted people to know that football actually started in China almost 3000 years ago.

  • I think whatever comes natural is probably the truth, and the truth is the strongest form of anything - whether serious or funny.

  • So I went to George and told him I had the opportunity to become the figurehead of a government safety campaign, and he agreed to give me the week off and reschedule shooting!

  • American foreign policy has been - and must continue to be - based on unequivocal support for Israel's right to exist and to be free from terror.

  • I like people too much or not at all. I've got to go down deep, to fall into people, to really know them.

  • A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct.

  • We become male automatically because of the Y chromosome and the little magic peanut, but if we are to become men we need the helpof other men--we need our fathers to model for us and then to anoint us, we need our buddies to share the coming-of-age rituals with us and to let us join the team of men, and we need myths of heroes to inspire us and to show us the way.

  • There are trade-offs in everything we do in life, and I have accepted that if I would like to be principled - and just principled - my best call would be to sit at home and shut up, because nothing I preached would be connectable to the practice.