Certainly, envy is no monopoly of the poor; it makes itself felt in all sections of society; it haunts the court, the library, the barrack-room, even the sanctuary; it is provoked in some unhappy souls by the near neighbourhood of any superior rank or excellence whatever.
It is not possible for any thinking person to live in such a society as our own without wanting to change it.
Anything that endures over time sacrifices its ability to make an impression.
Fate is what Heaven imparts.
I still dream of the day when I will take a photograph so beautiful that it can be called love.
The only way you can sustain a permanent change is to create a new way of thinking, acting, and being.
Like nature itself, modern economic life is driven by relentless competition and unbridled selfishness. Or is it?
God’s plan provides a way for family relationships to extend beyond the grave. We can return to the presence of God, eternally united with our families.
Publishing companies and a great many authors have missed the opportunity to capitalize on the very real relationships they create with their readers.
Nothing old is ever reborn but neither does it totally disappear. And that which has once been born, will always reappear in a new form