Digital Revolution famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • People need dreams, there's as much nourishment in them as food.

  • Niggas' rap albums sound like love letters, Pen in my hand, like: damn, fam, I could do much better.

  • Imperfections define perfection

  • A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen.

  • Inuyasha: "Stop blubbering already, I'm fine." Kagome:"I'm not blubbering." Inuyasha:"Okay, crying." Kagome:"I am not." Inuyasha:"Are too." Kagome:I am NOT!" Inuyasha:"You are so!" Kagome:"I am not, so just shuddup and sit!

  • [he brend] gotta be with my fashion I gotta be comfortable with it and want to wear it more than anyone else. So that's really my main objective when it comes to that.

  • The current Michigan Constitution was written in 1961 and 62.

  • Historically, opportunity has been afforded to a limited pool of people, excluding people of color and women. That doesn't diminish the talent or hard work of the people within that pool, but it does narrow the field of stories that have been told, and of the creative ideas and perspectives out there.

  • I would give anything to escape myself, Flynn thought, just for a day, just for a minute even. Just to know what it was like to think differently, to feel differently, and to not be me.

  • A flop is often the result of the fact that each of the talents involved, while working on the same project, may in effect have been working on a different show from all the others. If all contributors do not share the same vision of the evening, the end product will not evince the harmony of diverse elements-the seeming inevitability of book, score, and staging-of a good musical.