Extending famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • The complete novelist would come into the world with a catalog of qualities like this. He would own the concentration of a Trappist monk, the organizational ability of a Prussian field marshal, the insight into human relations of a Viennese psychologist, the discipline of a man who prints the Lord's Prayer on the head of a pin, the exquisite sense of timing of an Olympic gymnast, and by the way, a natural instinct and flair for exceptional use of language.

  • When you've cooked the marrow of the sun and moon, The pearl is so bright you don't worry about poverty.

  • Don't be too quickTo break bad habits: better stick,Like the Mission folk, to your arsenic.

  • A secret at home is like rocks under tide.

  • The Great don't innovate, they fertilize seeds planted by lackeys, they leave to others the inhaling of the flowers whose roots they've manured. A deceptive memory may be the key to their originality.

  • A secret is seldom safe in more than one breast.

  • I want to start where language ends.

  • A good friend is one of the hardest things to keep in this life. Don't forget that sometimes you have to work at it.

  • Real benefits come when managers begin to understand the profound difference between 'cost cutting' and 'eliminating the causes of costs'

  • To grow up with the loss of your mother is a scar that never goes away.