Starting Point famous quotes


  • Playing baseball is not real life. It's a fantasy world... It's a dream come true.

  • I didn't come in and say: "I'm a singer." I came into the band as a second guitar player and a vocalist, but not the songwriter. I had been writing poetry for years, so I sort of had the nature of the words. I felt like no one else could sing my lyrics, so I took a crack at it.

  • In criticism I will be bold, and as sternly, absolutely just with friend and foe. From this purpose nothing shall turn me.

  • I believe young children in particular enjoy witnessing the survival of youthful protagonists against terrible odds. I think it's gratifying to the reader when you give young characters that kind of agency.

  • Given a choice of weapons with you sir, I should choose grammar.

  • Be warmed in your heart in the midst of your sexuality. Your response to your own sexuality is that you are warmly in it, not exploiting it, not moving away from it, that you are completely present in it, warmed.

  • any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep.

  • I hunt because I love the entire process: the preparations, the excitement, and sustained suspense of trying to match my woodslore against the finely honed instincts of these creatures. On most days spent in the woods, I come home with an honestly earned feeling that something good has taken place. It makes no difference whether or not I got anything: it has to do with how the day was spent.

  • Sex itself only exists in relation to procreation. That's one of the reasons why I sometimes object - and it's just a theoretical objection, but it's worth thinking about - to the whole notion that one calls what people of the same sex do "sexual relations." As a matter of fact, they have precisely turned their back on sexual relations, in order to engage in acts of mutual pleasure that have nothing whatsoever to do with sexuality.

  • what you do every day is what forms your mind and precious few of us can or would spend most days outdoors.