Daycare famous quotes


  • The Postal Service is a vitally important institution for the American people. It must be saved.

  • The Evangelical party in the Church of Scotland will lay all flat if they be not prevented.

  • A kitten is so flexible that she is almost double; the hind parts are equivalent to another kitten with which the forepart plays. She does not discover that her tail belongs to her until you tread on it.

  • There was no light. The darkness was deep and there was no dazzle.

  • I am really rather like a beautiful Jersey cow, I have the same pathetic droop to the corners of my eyes.

  • In this shrinking world, it is futile to seek safety behind geographical barriers. Real security will be found only in law and in justice.

  • Work is the only thing that gives substance to life.

  • To make a living space, there first had to be a killing space.

  • Our Father in Heaven has promised us peace in times of trial and has provided a way for us to come to Him in our need. He has given us the privilege and power of prayer. He has told us to ‘pray always’ and has promised He will pour out his Spirit upon us.

  • Great people have great values and great ethics.