Acknowledge Him famous quotes


  • The eyes of all America are upon us, as we play our part posterity will bless or curse us.

  • My story is important not because it is mine, God knows, but because if I tell it anything like right, the chances are you will recognize that in many ways it is also yours.

  • When it comes to the cause of justice, I take no prisoners and I don't believe in compromise.

  • Hate, hunger, and pride make better levers of propaganda than do love or impartiality.

  • Generally I'll keep 95% of what I sing on that first scratch vocal take. Sometimes that idea will ferment for a long time, and sometimes I"ll be close enough to my studio and have enough time (kind of rare these days) to go and work on the idea. Not every song is super easy though.

  • Convention and restriction release inhibition and provoke the imagination.

  • I love a dog. He does nothing for political reasons.

  • I suppose no person ever enjoyed with more relish the infusion of this fragrant leaf than did Johnson.

  • We've tended in our cosmologies to make things familiar. Despite all our best efforts, we've not been very inventive. In the West, Heaven is placid and fluffy, and Hell is like the inside of a volcano. In many stories, both realms are governed by dominance hierarchies headed by gods or devils. Monotheists talked about the king of kings. In every culture we imagined something like our own political system running the Universe. Few found the similarity suspicious.

  • The commander in the field is always right and the rear echelon is wrong, unless proved otherwise.