Tournaments famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Good food does lead to sex. As it should. And in a perfect world, good music does too.

  • A super-legislator body is not what the court was intended to be, When I ponder our country and its greatness, its weakness, its potential, my heart aches for less divisiveness, less polarization, less finger-pointing, less bitterness, less mindless partisanship.

  • Notable characters do not alone bear trouble; they use it.

  • Only Americans can hurt America.

  • The devil has not vanished simply because people refuse to believe he exists, no more than God has.

  • Everything I do and say tells a story of who I am serving. If I am acting out of anger and spite, I am serving the father of darkness and spreading his darkness. If I am honoring to the Lord with my actions, I am serving to further the name of Jesus and spreading His light.

  • For indeed, grace is the key to it all. It is not our lavish good deeds that procure salvation, but God's lavish love and mercy. That is why the poor are as acceptable before God as the rich. It is the generosity of God, the freeness of his salvation, that lays the foundation for the society of justice for all. Even in the seemingly boring rules and regulations of tabernacle rituals, we see that God cares about the poor, that his laws make provision for the disadvantaged. God's concern for justice permeated every part of Israel's life. It should also permeate our lives.

  • To desire and expect nothing for oneself and to have profound sympathy for others is genuine holiness.

  • Our mandate is to find the 200 best companies in the world and invest in them, and find the 200 worst companies in the world and go short on them. If the 200 best don't do better than the 200 worst, you should probably be in another business.

  • My eyes aren't special, my nose isn't special, my mouth isn't special.