Ready To Die famous quotes


  • I been to many malls from state to state,But I've never been in, say, one this great.I hate to say, about the other shopping centers that's left,But the Albee Square Mall is the doo-doo-def!

  • An impressively researched and documented collection of the finest thought produced by writers throughout the African Diaspora. A magnificent achievement.

  • Democracy is the best revenge.

  • We already have the statistics for the future: the growth percentages of pollution, overpopulation, desertification. The future is already in place.

  • He had even read Pride and Prejudice--although he had thought that many of the heroine's problems would have been solved if someone had simply strangled her mother.

  • I am Albanian by birth. Now I am a citizen of India. I am also a Catholic nun. In my work, I belong to the whole world. But in my heart, I belong to Christ.

  • The imagination is far better at inventing tortures than life because the imagination is a demon within us and it knows where to strike, where it hurts. It knows the vulnerable spot, and life does not, our friends and lovers do not, because seldom do they have the imagination equal to the task.

  • Web services fits into the original vision of the ASP model in that there are these functions out on the Internet and you can just go out there and rent them.

  • I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting. But it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously.

  • Tyrants are but the spawn of Ignorance, Begotten by the slaves they trample on.