Confined famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I play a lot of basketball.

  • God doesn't do notes, either. Did Jesus Christ say, "Can I be excused the Crucifixion?" No!

  • We the Jainists of India say every day in our prayer, I worship all perfected souls, I worship all spiritual masters, I worship all spiritual instructors, I worship all holy men and women in the world.

  • I work with a couple charities called Serving Those Who Serve and Rebuilding Together. Both are supportive of veterans when they come home.

  • Some CEO's feel like if the 'opt out of social' they are somehow protected. That is just crazy.

  • Hence, even in the domain of natural science the aid of the experimental method becomes indispensable whenever the problem set is the analysis of transient and impermanent phenomena, and not merely the observation of persistent and relatively constant objects.

  • The day Henry made a choice... that some men are just too interesting to die.

  • To be honest with you, I worry about concentration of ownership in media, where you have a handful of media conglomerates largely controlling what we see, hear and read.

  • I think it must be hard being David. I get a certain level of attention but - I've seen it in action - he can't move for attention.

  • When I'm alone, I can sleep crossways in bed without an argument.