Best Experiences famous quotes


  • ...the need to overawe people and demand obedience from them is powerful and seductive. It is a part of that world that the kingdom of heaven is not of.

  • If you're offended by any word in any language, it's probably because your parents were unfit to raise a child.

  • Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.

  • First be sure a thing is wanted or needed, then go ahead.

  • Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise and fall, but the moral laws are written on the table of eternity.

  • That which you seek, is causing you to seek.

  • The best writing advice I had was [in] ‘Heinlein’s Rules for Writers’ by (American science fiction author) Robert A. Heinlein. His first rule is that you must write, and I was already doing that, but his second rule is, ‘You must finish what you write,’ and that had a big impact on me.

  • Every reader, if he has a strong mind, reads himself into the book, and amalgamates his thoughts with those of the author.

  • It's just a spare room in my apartment. It's very cluttered and not particularly aesthetically inspiring, and it's very un-noise-proof.

  • A theoretical physicist can spend his entire lifetime missing the intellectual challenge of experimental work, experiencing none of the thrills and dangers - the overhead crane with its ten-ton load, the flashing skull and crossbones and danger, radioactivity signs. A theorist's only real hazard is stabbing himself with a pencil while attacking a bug that crawls out of his calculations.