Boy And Girl famous quotes


  • Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest.

  • There are seasons when faith shows itself in taking; there are seasons when it is witnessed in refusing.

  • Silence, as someone has said, is the mother of prayer and the nurse of holy thoughts. Silence cuts down on our sins, doesn't it? We can't be sinning in so many different ways if we are being quiet before God. Silence nourishes patience, charity, discretion.

  • [Her] love and tenderness ... gave me the faith in love that enabled me to face my dead at last and write this play-write it with deep pity and understanding and forgiveness for all the four haunted Tyrones.

  • When you are dealing with a child, keep all your wits about you, and sit on the floor.

  • Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. (Walk, there is no path, the path is made by walking.)

  • Comedy is very difficult. I love it because when you do it right, its the best feeling in the world.

  • Witnessing the pain of others is the very least you can do in this world. Its how you know that when your own turn comes, someone will be there with you.

  • I refuse to admit that I am more than 52, even if that makes my children illegitimate.

  • Happiness to a dog is what lies on the other side of the door.