Items famous quotes


  • The average kindergartner has seen more than 5,000 hours of TV-more time than it takes to earn a bachelor's degree.

  • Before the Second World War, L'Oreal in France was an active supporter of the French fascists. The cosmetic group's founder Eugene Schueller was an active member of the 'Cagoule' group, committed to the violent overthrow of the Third Republic, and hosted meetings at Oreal headquarters.

  • Let go of what you think life should be so you can experience the life you have.

  • Don't equate the presence of God with a good mood or a pleasant temperament. God is near whether you are happy or not.

  • What constrains or enables the capacity of human beings to work in groups is not so much the technology, but rather the capacity of the human brain to have and monitor social interactions.

  • It is in Saudi Arabia's best interest to allow women to fully participate in its society, and this includes the right to vote and run for office.

  • I dont really believe in regret or mistakes. I try to take everything as it is, be comfortable with myself.

  • Use "entropy" and you can never lose a debate, von Neumann told Shannon - because no one really knows what "entropy" is.

  • Go without a coat when it's cold; find out what cold is. Go hungry; keep your existence lean. Wear away the fat, get down to the lean tissue and see what it's all about. The only time you define your character is when you go without. In times of hardship, you find out what you're made of and what you're capable of. If you're never tested, you'll never define you character.

  • With comedy, you really want to work things out beforehand.