You are not to inquire how your trade may be increased, nor how you are to become a great and powerful people, but how your liberties can be secured; for liberty ought to be the direct end of your government.
It used to be a common saying of Myson's that men ought not to seek for things in words, but for words in things; for that things are not made on account of words but that words are put together for the sake of things.
Womanhood is you. Womanhood is everything that's inside of you.
There is always an audience for different individuals, but critics sometimes stop the audience finding the show and the show finding the audience.
All babies are beautiful.
The only real change in life comes with the consciousness of old age.
So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal: If we are going to pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is -- we want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.
Humility is the altar upon which God wishes that we should offer Him His sacrifices.
What's love got to do with it?
And there are really never endings, happy or otherwise.