Sitting Still famous quotes
I therefore have to use The Force. And weirdly, this doesn't work very well. I don't understand why, because on the last census, I put my religion down as Jedi Knight...
Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory, Of His Flesh, the mystery sing; Of the Blood, all price exceeding, Shed by our Immortal King, Destined, for the world's redemption, From a noble Womb to spring.
AIDS is a plague - numerically, statistically and by any definition known to modern public health - though no one in authority has the guts to call it one.
A near win shifts our view of the landscape. It can turn future goals, which we tend to envision at a distance, into more proximate events. We consider temporal distance as we do spatial distance. (Visualize a great day tomorrow and we see it with granular, practical clarity. But picture what a great day in the future might be like, not tomorrow but fifty years from now, and the image will be hazier.)
I guess if people couldn't profit from war I don't think there would be war.
Knowledge is power. The more knowledge, expertise, and connections you have, the easier it is for you to make a profit at the game of your choice.
Anytime you feel love for anything, be it stone, tree, lover, or child, you are touched by the Goddess's magick...
A person of definite character and purpose who comprehends our way of thought is sure to exert power over us. He cannot altogether be resisted; because, if he understands us, he can make us understand him, through the word, the look, or other symbol.
It's not just about the current economic environment. History shows that slashing budgets always leads to recession.
As long as I am still interested and curious I enjoy getting up in the morning, but I can't say I have a happy smile on my face 24/7.