Genuine Concern famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Options are good. Keeps people choosing.

  • Simpler explanations are, other things being equal, generally better than more complex ones.

  • Camel trips, as I suspected all along, and as I was about to have confirmed, do not being or end: they mere change form.

  • Everyday I meet folks who show me how to look at challenges differently.

  • If you keep in mind that love and love alone is the reason for living, it will calm your heart and free you from your worries.

  • Love is, to be loved,” said Alexander, “in return.

  • you don't deal with time. Time deals with you.

  • If you want to save, put money into superannuation, you will never find a better savings vehicle.

  • Hindsight is good, foresight is better; but second sight is best of all.

  • If the new movies do contradict my books in some way, I can probably come up with some hand-waving story that will explain the apparent discrepancy. If there’s one thing we authors are good at, it’s hand-waving.