Cunninghams famous quotes


  • Disease-carrying thoughts swarm and multiply in the dark and twisted labyrinths of our minds, and all that is needed is a mob and a good political slogan for the epidemic to be spread once again, with a burst of automatic weapons or a mushroom cloud.

  • And I've always worked on the principle that if it interests me enough to write about it, then it must interest a lot of other people.

  • We don't know the power that's within our own bodies

  • I've always believed, in my heart of hearts, that it would be a better show if, when I crossed over to the desk, the band kept playing for an hour and I danced in a cage.

  • In fact, .. Jesus is mentioned 75 times in the Koran.

  • The offers I get are for grandfathers, uncles - and they often die very quickly in the script.

  • Gray sail against the sky, Gray butterfly! Have you a dream for going. Or are you the blind wind's blowing?

  • Egocentricity: The vanity that makes you wonder what people are thinking about you when they are really wondering what you are thinking about them.

  • The emotional stakes a memoirist bets with could not be higher, and it's physically enervating. I nap on a daily basis like a cross-country trucker.

  • Simple ignorance has in its time been complimented by the names of most of the vices, and of all the virtues.