Portsmouth famous quotes


  • Plan for what it is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

  • With music, you could stick someone with a musical instrument or even not a musical instrument, get them to showcase their talent, and within 30 seconds you could tell whether they were good or not, but with acting you have to give them the right part.

  • For me, L.A. was, and is, a very creative place to be.

  • After I convinced them that I was a harmless novelist, I actually got them to give me a tour of the harem - which is usually off limits for tourists.

  • Questions are often more effective than statements in moving others. Or to put it more appropriately, since the research shows that when the facts are on your side, questions are more persuasive than statements, don't you think you should be pitching more with questions?

  • When contrasted with the much longer time that life has been present, the course of Christianity thus far is but a brief moment.

  • You don't make me feel like you used to. That's why I'm leaving That's why people leave each other They come to their senses and get selfish again.

  • Greatness occurs when your children love you, when your critics respect you and when you have peace of mind.

  • I get up, get coffee, and go into my home office. I check email and Twitter before I start work, but I have to try not to get too distracted.

  • simplicity is a thing beautiful in itself, like clear light.