Moksha famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • To a happy war!' laughter echoed with all the insane glee of an army of psychopaths.

  • Art is a form of asset. Hedge-fund managers who have made money fast should diversify into other areas.

  • I write from the same place I parent, and since becoming a single parent, I have found it difficult, if not impossible, to write anything of length.

  • Good intentions are not enough. They've never put an onion in the soup yet.

  • When Barack Obama is right, then I'll support him. When he is wrong, I'll fight him.

  • Life is short, so fall in love, dear maiden, before your youthful ardor cools off, for there is no tomorrow.

  • God wills, man dreams, the work is born.

  • If the clinician, as observer, wishes to see things as they really are, he must make a tabula rasa of his mind and proceed without any preconceived notions whatever.

  • Video games are a waste of time for men with nothing else to do.

  • I want to be the apostle of self destruction. I want my book to affect man's reason, his emotions, his nerves, his whole animal nature. I should like my book to make people turn pale with horror as they read it, to affect them like a drug, like a terrifying dream, to drive them mad, to make them curse and hate me but still to read me.