Rpgs famous quotes


  • All appeals to Scripture are appeals to interpretations of Scripture. The only real question is: whose interpretation? People with differing interpretations of Scripture cannot set a Bible on a table and ask it to resolve their differences. In order for the Scripture to function as an authority, it must be read and interpreted by someone. According to "solo" Scriptura, that someone is each individual, so ultimately, there are as many final authorities as there are human interpreters.

  • I suppose that if we in intelligence were one day given three wishes, they would be to know everything, to be believed when we spoke, and in such a way to exercise an influence to the good in the matter of policy.

  • They say that not matter how old you become, when you are with your siblings, you revert back to childhood.

  • In 1900 Americans on average lived for only 49 years and most working people died still on the job.

  • One said of suicide, As long as one has brains one should not blow them out. And another answered, But when one has ceased to have them, too often one cannot.

  • The mind of the scholar, if he would leave it large and liberal, should come in contact with other minds.

  • You become writer by writing. It is a yoga.

  • Prepare for the unknown, unexpected and inconceivable . . . after 50 years of flying I'm still learning every time I fly.

  • Why does it raise eyebrows when a woman uses cuss words?

  • Allow me to explain how my whole life has prepared me for this moment. I am used to girls screaming, and your screams – will be sweeter than another’s cries of love.